KCIC FM 88.5
"Christ is Coming"
Sacred Christian Radio
Listener Guide
WEEKDAY PROGRAMS (Sacred Music, unless otherwise noted)
12:30 - (M,F) Hephzibah House
(T,Th) Miracles
(W) Fortress of Faith
1:30 - Creation Moments
1:32 - Word for Life
2:00 - Bible Institute of the Air
2:30 - Challenge for the Day
3:00 - (M,W,F) Bible in Depth
(T,Th) Unshackled!
3:30 - Phyllis Schlafly, Legal Alert
3:55 - (M,W,F) Sunshine on the Soapsuds
4:00 - Glimpses of Calvary
4:30 - (M,T,Th,F) Adventures in Literature
5:00 - Recorded Challenge
6:00 - Bible Thought for the Day
6:30 - Psalms and Proverbs
7:40 - (M) Legal Alert, Phyllis Schlafly, Weather
8:00 - Psalms and Proverbs
8:15 - Creation Moments
8:30 - Challenge for the Day
8:55 - Sunshine on the Soapsuds
9:00 - (M,W,F) The Bible in Depth
(T,Th) Miracles
9:30 - Adventures in Literature
10:00 - (M) On to Victory
(T,Th) Unshackled!
(W,F) Issues for Fundamental Christians
10:30 - Great Sacred Albums
11:30 - Scriptural Evangelism
11:35 - Glimpses of Calvary
12:00 - New Testament Bible Reading
12:15 - Phyllis Schlafly, Legal Alert
12:30 - Weather
1:00 - Recorded Challenge
2:30 - Challenge for the Day
2:35 - (W) Evangelist Bob Shelton
(F) Word of Truth )Dr. Bob Jones Sr.)
3:00 - (M-F) Bible Institute of the Air
3:30 - (M & F) Voice of Hephzibah House
(W) Fortress of Faith
4:30 - Glimpses of Calvary
4:45 - Creation Moments
5:00 - Phyllis Schlafly, Legal Alert
5:10 - Weather
5:15 - (F) In the Public Interest
6:30 - Challenge for the Day
7:00 - Adventures in Literature
7:30 - Word for Life
8:00 - (M) Chapel Echoes
(T,Th) Miracles
(W) On to Victory
(F) Word of Truth
9:00 - Bible Institute of the Air
10:00 - The Quiet Time
10:30 - Creation Moments
11:30 - (M) Word of Truth
(T) Evangelist Bob Shelton
(W) Wonderful Word Hour
(F) Gospel of Hope
SATURDAY PROGRAMS (Sacred Music, unless otherwise noted)
1:00 - Fortress of Faith
1:30 - Creation Moments
2:00 - Bob Shelton
2:30 - Old Testament Bible Reading
2:40 - Wonderful Word Hour
4:00 - Chapel Echoes
6:00 - Gospel of Hope
8:00 - Old Testament Bible Reading
8:30 - A Visit with Mrs. G.
8:45 - Children’s Bible Club
9:00 - The Bible in Living Sound
10:00 - Children’s Gospel Hour
12:00 - New Testament Bible Reading
1:00 - Chapel Echoes
6:00 - Creation Moments
8:00 - Gospel of Hope
8:45 - Bob Shelton
9:30 - Creation Moments
9:45 - Word of Truth
10:25 - Old Testament Bible Reading
11:30 - Glimpses of Calvary
SUNDAY PROGRAMS (Sacred Music, unless otherwise noted)
1:30 - Challenge for the Day
2:00 - Glimpses of Calvary
3:00 - On to Victory
4:00 - Wonderful Word Hour
4:30 - Word for Life
6:00 - Bob Shelton
7:00 - Wonderful Word Hour
8:00 - Old Testament Bible Reading
9:00 - Forwarding the Faith
10:00 - Fortress of Faith
11:00 - Pear Park Baptist Church Service
12:30 - New Testament Bible Reading
3:00 - Miracles
4:30 - Bob Shelton
5:30 - Gospel of Hope
6:30 - Pear Park Baptist Church Service
9:00 - Fortress of Faith
9:30 - Creation Moments
10:20 - Old Testament Bible Reading
11:00 - Unshackled!